San Francisco
2005.12.30. 12:54
1. Officer's Club (memlk)
2. Mission Dolores (kolostor)
3. Grace Cathedral (szkesegyhz)
4. Old St. Mary's church (templom)
5. Calif. Masonic Memorial Temple (Szabadkmves templom)
6. Buddha's Universal Church, Chinatown (templom)
7. Kong Chow Temple, Chinatown (templom)
8. Pien Hou Temple, Chinatown (teplom)
9. San Francisco Maritime Museum, State and Historical Park (mzeum, emlkpark)
10. Palace of Fine Arts (mzeum)
11. Chinese Historical Society Museum
12. Ferry Building, Geological Museum
13. M.H. De Young Memorial Museum
14. Palace of he Lgeion of Honor (mzeum)
15. State Building, Museum of Art (mzeum)
16. Veteran's Memorial Building (mzeum)
17. Wells Fargo Bank (bank, mzeum)
18. Amundsen's "Gja" (mzeumhaj)
19. "Balclutha" (mzeumhaj)
20. Wax Museum (Panoptikum)
21. Fort Point (erdmzeum)
22. Fort Funston (erd)
23. Fort Mason (erd)
24. Fort Miley (erd, krhz)
25. Fort Winfield Scott (erd)
26. Cannery (kikti piacnegyed)
27. Japantown
28. Fairmont Hotel (felhkarcol)
29. Transamerica Building (felhkarcol)
30. St. Francis Hotel (szlloda)
31. Cliff House (vendgl)
32. Laguna Honda Home (kzpletek)
33. Pacifis Coast Stock Exhange (tzsde)
34. Coit Memorial Tower (torony, kilt)
35. Naval Monument (emlkm)
36. Japanese Tea Garden (park)
37. Fleishhacker Playfield (dlterletek)
38. Zoo (llatkert)
39. Steinhart Aquarium (akvrium)
40. Conservatory (botanikus kert)
41. Strybing Arboretum and Botanical Gardens (arbortum, botanikus kert)
42. Hall of Flowers (virghz)
43. North Beach District (szrakoztat kzpont)
44. Storyland (vidmpark)
45. Alcatraz Island (brtnsziget)
46. Seal Rocks (fkasziklk)